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School History

The land for the Dominion Road School was purchased in 1923 by the Education Board for the future needs of the district. It was not until March 1928 that the first two classrooms, a shelter shed, staffroom and a toilet block were erected on the site. The playground was levelled and cleared by relief labour, who used pick and shovel and wooden wheelbarrows.


The school opened on 4 February 1929 with a roll of 47 pupils, some being new entrants and the others pupils who had been transferred from Mt Roskill and Brixton Road Schools. The first child entered in the Admission Register was Phyllis M Storey on 4.2.1929. The original teachers were Mr Metge who taught Standards 1 to 6 and Miss Wright who taught the primers.

The new school buildings at the corner of Dominion and Mt

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On 3 February 1937, Dominion Road became a full school with its own Headmaster Mr H McCowan. The first School Committee was elected on 2 June 1937. Those elected to office were Messrs C Gerrard (Chairman), J A Stenberg (Secretary), L H Chambers (Treasurer), H McCowen (Headmaster), W A Atkinson, M L Pye, G A Young, O B Anderson, Mesdames R Coop and E Jordan.


Over the next few years there was great activity with gala days, fairs, etc to raise funds for the school swimming pool and other facilities. With the school roll still increasing, another 2 classrooms were built in 1938, and it was not until 1941 that the third block of 4 classrooms were built.


1940 saw the erection of the School Dental Clinic. At one stage it was staffed by 2 nurses, but in 1980 it was surplus, and after renovations it became the Speech Therapy Clinic. Today the children travel by special taxi to the Mt Roskill Dental Clinic in Denbigh Avenue for treatment.


By 1966 the school roll was declining and the School was threatened with closure when the Mt Roskill Borough Council talked of turning part of the grounds into a shopping mall. As there was much opposition the development thankfully did not proceed!


We celebrated our 75th Jubilee in November 2012.

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Albert Roads were officially opened on 9 February 1929. At this stage Dominion Road School was only a side school under the control of Mt Roskill School, now called Three Kings School. The pupils from the side school were included in all the activities at Three Kings School and these included sports and gala days. The children had to walk both ways to Three Kings.

As the school roll continued to increase another classroom was erected in 1933. By 1936 the roll had reached 219 and it was found necessary to rent the Methodist Sunday School Hall adjoining, and to convert one of the shelter sheds for extra accommodation. An application was made to the Ministry of Education for additional accommodation and as a result 3 extra rooms were built in 1937.

Contact Us 

09 621 0155

027 408 9684

14 Quest Terrace

Mt Roskill

Auckland 1041


© 2021 Dominion Road School. All rights reserved.

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